Wednesday, November 5, 2008

*maybe this can MAKE your day.

*so I'm sitting in my room, listening to some pink[So What] i hear JAYbritt, swiftly walk past my door, i figure shes headed to Maken's room, we haven't been shopping yet soo, the kitchen was looking grim.
*so i as continue to rock out, i hear something that sounds something like this [roffblamtriptripSLAM] at first i listen for sounds.... like what happen!?!... then i hear a slight groan. LMAO i immediately start DYING of laughter, as i figured she MUST of fell down the stairs. [mind you we have hardwood floor].
*so i go to check out the scene, STILL laughing... this is what i see .........

[still laughing]

LMAO. JAY i know your gonna KILL me. BUT i had to do it!
Maken&I came to the conclusion that---->socks and hardwood DO not mix...walk good next time!
[So What?!]

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